Tuesday 25 October 2011

GMD web site polished with JavaScript controls from HighCharts and ChemDoodle

I just finshed some work on the GMD website to improve the usability. I replaced images of mass spectra with interactive JavaScript controls from HighCahrts where the user can zoom in without any effort. An example mass spectrum of Alanine (3TMS) can be seen here. I also used this control to visualise the nort-south-plot in the mass spectral matching result view. It took me some time to figure all the settings out and still it is not perfect, bcause the data labels of the mass peaks are rendered accross the mass peak.
in the same breath I replaced all images of chemical structures by interactive JavaScript controls from ChemDoodle Web Components. The old images were rendered using the the Hyleos .Net ChemLib control which failed to rendere some of the more complex structures.

However, I appreciate this free resources from ChemDoodle and HighCharts very much!


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