We regret that GoBioSpace service is likely to be unavailable today 17th. Jan.2012 on account of maintenance work and for the import of the current PubChem Compound and Substance databases. More than 2.5 million structures from the IBM BAO (Business Analytics and Optimization) strategic IP insight platform (SIIP) are now available in PubChem and we think this is very valuable for matching potentially unknown mass peaks.
Your GoBioSpace-Team
[update 2012/01/18]
We released a new data version of GoBioSpace, now including the latest version (yesterday, 2012/01/17) of PubChem Compound and Substance databases and adding 119,958 new unique formula to the GoBioSpace repository. However, approx. 190,000 formula are not referenced anymore and subsequently were purged from GoBioSpace.